We all have this idea of what a relationship should be, in theory. In practice, things don’t always go according to plan. Whether it is a time consuming job, attachment and communication styles, difficult relationships with the in-laws, or even the way we make big decisions, there will be inevitable disagreements. Everyone says, “compromise is key,” but what does that look like for us? Anyone with siblings can tell you there will be fights—and siblings are generally raised together, taught similar values, and know each other for the majority of their lives. Now put two different people raised in different families, each with their distinct values and ideas in a shared space, and you will have some clashing ideas. However, these disagreements do not mean that the love is lost; it is possible to love someone despite their differences, and even because of them. You may just express that love in different ways, with that loving message getting lost along the way.
At Coral Counseling, couples counseling is about finding solutions that acknowledge the needs of both individuals, not just self-sacrifice, in order to create a united couple. When the going gets tough, I provide counseling to couples as they navigate the tumultuous waters of learning to build relationships that better meet their needs, have the hard conversations, figure out how to love each other in a healthy way. Your relationship may not look like your parent’s relationship; couples counseling gives you the chance to make it your own.