Coral Counseling
It would be an honor to work with you. Call or Text Coral Counseling at (714) 683-4237 any time, conveniently located in Orange County, CA.

Welcome to
Coral Counseling

Silvia C. Sanchez, LMFT, LPCC
Call today to begin building better relationships.

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Schedule your sessions with Coral Counseling from the comfort of your home with teletherapy services.


What Coral Counseling stands for


Coral Counseling is dedicated to providing high-quality therapy, counseling, and coaching services to individuals, couples, and families in a peaceful setting with a confidential, private pay experience to create a safe space for healing.

Call or text Coral Counseling at (714) 660-3335 today to schedule an appointment. Limited weekend availability for both in-person and tele-therapy appointments.


Therapy Services

The summer season has arrived, bringing with it the fun, sun, and stressors of family functions; reconnecting with old family members, introducing new family additions, and stretching your patience to its limit. The kids are out of school and you finally have a chance to sit back and unwind before the sun goes down and it’s dark out. Who doesn’t want to go on a family camping trip?

The weeks go by and you find that you’ve been trying to please everyone and finding yourself bending over backwards, just to end up drowning in clouds of insecurity and being overwhelmed. You want to do it all, but there just never seems to be enough time. Maintaining a relationship is difficult under normal circumstances; add to that the changing laws, fears surrounding the current political atmosphere, and the stress of visiting family now that the kids are out of school, including that aunt that just seems to find the perfect way to get under everyone’s skin. The feeling you’re being pulled in every direction while being squeezed to conform is growing with every day that passes.

You deserve to have a space to release that tension—especially during these times of increased stress—for you and your loved ones.  Therapy is not meant to change who you are, rather strengthen what is working in order to achieve more satisfaction in your relationships, including your relationship with yourself. Let’s make this the season you put yourself first! Do not let things get further out of hand. Call Coral Counseling today to see how counseling can help.

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Infant Massage

Being a parent is difficult; it’s not like your children were born with a manual and they definitely didn’t hand you instructions when you walked out of the hospital. Knowing which parenting decisions you have and how different children will respond to them can be so difficult. And everyone, has all these ideas about the “right” way to raise a child, whether its the person at the grocery store giving side eye or the family member telling you how they did things. You just want what is best for your child and your family.

This year, while the sun is shining and you have time with the family, teach your babies about secure attachment. At Coral Counseling, we believe this lesson begins before your baby can even speak. The way you respond to your baby’s needs will teach them about the world around them, even though they cannot tell you what they need with words. Our evidence-based response is Infant Massage; I have been trained as a Certified Instructor of Infant Massage by the International Association of Infant Massage to bring this incredible skill set to you.

Infant massage has been practiced for hundreds of years and it’s only now that we have been able to conduct research that we are seeing how incredibly beneficial massage can be for your baby and you. Research has shown the abilities of infant massage to reduce Postpartum Mood and Anxiety Disorders in both mothers and fathers. Furthermore, infant massage has been shown to help premature babies put on weight, treat colic, sleep longer, and infant massage helps improve brain development. Additionally, it helps you as a parent learn to read your baby’s cues while teaching them about body autonomy, lets your baby know that you are listening to them and they matter, from the tip of their head to their tiny curled toes. Give your baby the gift of infant massage, and yourself the gift of a longer break while they nap.

Now offered virtually!



The Art of Guiding Healers


I recognize that during these times, the lines between our professional and personal lives are blurring more than ever before. It is heavy work carrying around the responsibility everywhere you go.

Don’t want to battle traffic? That works too. I am happy to help make this even just a little easier for you. Our virtual services allow you to participate from the comfort of your home, without having to battle traffic. Sit back, relax, and take a breath. It is time to focus on yourself for a change, you deserve it.

Call or Text me at (714) 660-3335 to schedule your tele-therapy appointment for coaching, counseling, or mentoring. Limited weekend appointments available.

Turn your wounds into wisdom
— Oprah